
They have deprived them of their origins... Noble savage, indigenous = onkwehonweh. America, mighty rivers, mountains, wilderness... from Maine, New Brusnwick to Nova Scotia... sitting with Indians on fire places. in Tobique NB on the mighty Wolastoq, St. John river, where they built the many canoes from birch bark see
Tappan_Adney_Canoes.pdf17.52 MB
Talking to Kahentinetha Horm Mohawk Nation. Wandering to Eskasoni NS on Cape Breton Island, listening drums, being with beautiful men. Still saving the language, that origin knowledge from our mother earth, from the creator, from ancestor, from our women, the source energy of all creation, plants, animals, people, sun, moon and stars. From 100 Million left 10 Million, lost 98 % of ground. The American Holocaust is unpaintable.—Original paintings size 21x30" Pencil, chalk, acrylics on card board—more >>MIX >>Micmac Malecite Mohawk

Sie haben sie ihrer Wurzeln beraubt... Edle Wilde, Eingeborene = onkwehonweh. Amerika, Kanada mächtige Flüsse, Gebirge, Wildnis... von Maine, Neu Braunschweig nach Neu Schottland... sitzend mit Indianern an Feuerstellen. In Tobique NB am mächtigen Wolastoq St. John Fluss, wo sie die vielen Kanus aus Birkenrinde bauten siehe
Tappan_Adney_Canoes.pdf17.52 MB
Sprechen mit Kahentinetha Horn Mohikaner Kahnawake Quebec. Wandern nach Eskasoni NS auf die Insel Kap Breton, den Trommeln zuhören, mit schönen Menschen sein. Kenner bewahren die Sprache, das uralte Wissen von unserer Mutter Erde, vom  Schöpfer, von den Ahnen, den Frauen, der Quellenergie aller Schöpfung, den Pflanzen, den Tieren, den Menschen, der Sonne, dem Mond und den Sternen. Von 100 Millionen blieben 10 Millionen, verloren 98 % des Landes, ihre Jagdgründe. Der Amerikanische Holocaust ist unmalbar.—Original Bildgrössen 54x78 cm Bleistift, Kreide, Acryl auf Papier—mehr >>MIX >>Micmac Malecite Mohawk

Little Summer playing

Being with Howard Paul, Mary in Tobique at the Point of Wolastoq St. John and Tobique river, former Canoe place, was full of Salmon

Being with Dan Ennis, Caroline Ennis, Jim, Blue... rolling thunder. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm 2006

Drawing Dan in darkness. He didn't like painting in the light. Acrylics on Kraftpaper 75x53 cm
Dan Ennis
Dan Ennis heading Fredericton: why did the Englishmen building jails first?

5Tobique Neighbors1024
Neighborhood. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm 2006
1Tobique Pow Wow1024
Howard Paul
's painting Peace with you Fresco in St. Anne church
1Tobique Pow Wow1024
Walking with Dan to the sacred Pow Wow place. Meeting little beaver on the way his friend
. Can you see the Little people?
1Tobique Pow Wow1024
Howard Paul is drumming in St. Anne church 2003
4Tobique Sisters1024

Appearing Two Sisters from the past. Acrylics on Kraft paper
75x53 cm
Clan figures dancing in the wood. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm 2006
012Watching Creation1024
Drawing Dan Ennis in three faces. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm
015Dead Eagle1024
Dead Eagle from Little River Cape Breton. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm
015Dead Eagle1024
Tobique at rain, many rain... kind of Melancholia. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm
Birch Bark Canoes
Carrying Birch Bark Canoes
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Flight with mother, father in jail because of wood cut, as a boy sitting fearfull deep in the water. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm
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Free riding down the Wolastoq St. John river. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm
1st Tobique Reserve at Spring Time, water colors 75x53 cm 2006
"On June 21 2004 let us pray for peace, mother earth, the global environment.
Our prayers will echo in others hearts surely spread throughout the world," Dan Ennis
Just dreaming, carrying my head.—Träumend meinen Kopf tragend; Polaroids hernach. Acryl auf Karton 75x53 cm
Mesingwa wearing turtle shell rattle, leather bucket being in touch with the ancestors.
Mesingwa, Schildkrötenrassel, Ledereimer tragend, spricht mit den Ahnen (Ibu Devi).
013Wood Spirit1024
Many black flies around. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm
013Wood Spirit1024
Meeting the Creator.—Great Mystery, Manitu. Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 75x53 cm 2007
Young Indian
Young Indian. Sepia chalk on Kraftpaper 24x32 cm 2024

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Fur Indian—Pelzindianer. Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 72x104 cm 2013-14
22Charles Gaines1024
Painting Charles Gaines writing Geronimo. Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 75x53 cm 2007
22Charles Gaines1024
Bad spirit—good spirit; how you feed them. Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 75x53 cm
23Free Anita1024

Free Anita. Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm 2008
Dancing Medicine man in trance.—Medizinmann. Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 75x53 cm
Shaman—Pen on Fedrigoni card board 24x32 cm 2023
24Riders det1024
Wakashie dreamt of white horse. Sepia ink, feather, brush on Fedrigoni card board 75x53 cm 2007
24Riders det1024
Black riders... Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 60x60 cm
24Riders det1024
Ancestors from the very past—Ahnen aus der Vorzeit... Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 70x100 cm

Blue Riders—Blaue Reiter. Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 75x53 cm 2010
Do you see little Uli? Acrylics on Kraft paper 75x53 cm
9Joy Solace1024
"Some joy and solace every day" ...pat
Pat Paul lecture
Pat Paul's lecture on Presque Isle University
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Painting with Eskasoni kids on Pow Wow 2006. Acrylics on paper 75x53 cm framed by Larry MacDonald with weathered barn boards
Birch Bark clan symbols
Birch Bark writings and paintings copy
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Keeper of the youth Cape Breton Island. Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 75x53 cm 2007
12Eskasoni kids1024
Mike school bus driver. Eskasoni Pow Wow Cape Breton Island. Acrylics on Fedrigoni card board 75x53 cm 2007
1Blue Rider Canada1024 2
Riding my Blue Rider. "In 1990 when the Canadian Army landed on Kahnawaka Island to ransack the village, guns were fired, choppers flooded the skies. The people did not hide. Thousands ran to the island to defend the village. Nobody really understands us." Kahentinetha Horn

Little Mohawk rider
Indianerjunge—Little Mohawk rider. iPad paintings 2024
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Pow Wow in Bluff Arizona. Water colors
66PowWow Bluff1024
Being in Eskasoni Pow Wow 2007
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Be a survivor, even if you are an idiot.—iPad pencil painting 2020 CCR It ain't me
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Maske der Falschgesichter GesellschaftFake faces mask